Sunday, February 17, 2013

5, 10, or 20 Dynamic Power-Training Classes (Up to 83% Off)

Value: $65 From: $19

The soreness caused by exercise is actually just the pain of your old muscles being torn as thousands of butterflies hatch inside them. Transform yourself with this Groupon.

Choose from Three Options

  • $19 for 5 dynamic power-training classes (up to a $65 value)
  • $30 for 10 dynamic power-training classes (a $125 value)
  • $42 for 20 dynamic power-training classes (a $250 value)

Each dynamic power-training class fuses elements of Power Yoga, martial arts, and calisthenics to help test and build strength, stamina, and agility. Classes integrate deep breathing to help build up a vigorous sweat and conclude with a host of stretches to increase joint mobility and detoxify the body.

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