Thursday, February 21, 2013

One, Two, or Three Da Vinci Teeth-Whitening Treatments (Up to 55% Off)

Value: $119 From: $59

People are attracted to bright smiles, like moths to a flame or mechanical moths to giant electromagnets. Improve your pull with this Groupon.

Choose from Three Options

  • $59 for one Da Vinci teeth-whitening treatment (a $119 value)
  • $79 for two Da Vinci teeth-whitening treatments (a $169 value)
  • $99 for three Da Vinci teeth-whitening treatments (a $219 value)

Fifteen-minute in-office whitening treatments reduce the appearance of teeth stains and discoloration with a light-activated formula that improves dental brightness by up to eight shades. Treatments can be combined and administered in one office visit.

1 comment:

  1. White teeth and aesthetic mouth affect our overall appearance, the impression we leave, and our interpersonal communications. A study conducted in U.S. found that people with whiter and aesthetic smile are 30% more successful than people with a not perfect smile, get higher positions more easily, have higher confidence and radiate health and happiness. teeth whitening clinic St ives
