Thursday, April 4, 2013

$1,499 for Upper- or Lower-Eyelid Lift on Both Eyes ($4,000 Value)

Value: $4 From: $1

Eyelid surgery can eliminate puffiness, disguising one’s age and the years spent crying over the cancellation of the reality show Shotputters’ Wives. Look like you’ve moved on with this Groupon.

$1,499 for an Upper- or Lower-Eyelid Lift ($4,000 Value)

During bilateral blepharoplasty surgery—an eyelid lift for both eyes—Dr. Byer removes excess tissue so that the eyes look more awake, alert, and youthful. After offering an oral sedative, such as Valium or a magical potion, he numbs the skin with a local anesthetic. For an upper eyelid lift, he excises the unwanted tissue through an incision in the natural crease of the upper lid, and for a lower eyelid lift, he does so through a discreet cut near the lower lash line. Silk sutures close up the incisions and patients go home to rest. Dr. Byer inspects his work the next day at a post-op appointment and removes the stitches in 10 days.

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